Howden Edge - Peak District Walk
Wednesday 22nd March 2006
As the forecast for clear skies proved to be correct I took advantage of the fact it was mid-week and headed up to King's Tree at the top of the Derwent valley (the road to it is closed on weekends and bank holidays). The weather was pleasantly warm so for the first time this year my hat and fleece weren't used. The moors still had snow and ice that needed avoiding as much as possible although, as I did twice, it was still possible to find yourself pulling a leg out of wet sticky peat. With the exception of a group walking well ahead of me on Howden Edge I met no walkers and I came down Margery Hill with the falling sun setting the hills aglow with no-one around - sheer bliss.
Start: King's Tree car park Howden reservoir (SK 1671 9382)
Route: King's Tree - Slippery Stones - Featherbed Moss - Hoar Stones (CT) - Howden Edge - Margery Hill (CT) - Slippery Stones - King's Tree
Distance: 11 miles Ascent: 498 metres Time Taken: 6 hrs 10 mins
Weather: Blue skies, pleasantly warm in the valley a cool edge to the breeze on the top.
Pub Visited: None Ale Drunk: None
Howden Reservoir from King's Tree.
The bridge at Slippery Stones.
From Slippery Stones my route along the valley is clear.
The stepping stones across Stainery Clough, the last time I was here they were under water.

Looking up Coldwell Clough.
From Hoar Clough Head, looking across Featherbed Moss to Margery Hill.
Holme Moss mast to the right of Black Hill, from Hoar Clough Head.
Hoar Stones, the highest point of the Unitary Authority of Barnsley.
Looking across the moor towards Stainery Clough Head from Outer Edge.
Margery Hill trig, one of the disputed highest points in the old Metropolitan County of South Yorkshire.
Looking along the stretch of Howden Edge I wasn't doing today from Margery Hill.
Howden Edge from the descent of Margery Hill.
Long Edge is lit up by the falling sun as I reach King's Tree and the car.
All pictures copyright © Peak Walker 2006-2023